Wednesday 21 January 2009

Since my main idea for a film, the disaster film relies on the setting which can only be found in my home town and since i will not be returning there for a while i have developed a new concept for a film. it will parrallel edit between an anonymous figure waiting in a room and a man walking home the shots of the anonymous person will be short and dark to cause a feeling of confusion and mystery in the beginning the shots will be fairly long with quiet music yet the parrallel cutting will cause an uneasiness, as the victim approaches home the music will gradually get louder and the cutting faster to increase anticipation. the end leaves you with the same shot as in the beginning of a partly opened door and slow zoom.

I got many of my ideas from kurbricks film the shining he also uses many shots of doors and corridors. The use of doors as symbols for something mysterious and forbidding is used in many films, in mine it will tie the two strands of the story together. the use of the heartbeat and ticking clocks is frequent in many movies to create suspense i will use it to increase anticipation in the last part of the film.

My film will open with a zoom shot of the door and foreboding music. Next shot will be a long shot of a figure leaving his office or school. In the next shot also a long shot the character will walk down a narrow alley with quiet music as he dissapears into the dark then the credits when the music gets darker it cuts to a close up of a hand with a knife then more credits followed by another close up of the knife. The next shot will be a pan from a shot of the river to the figure crossing the bridge. Then another pan shot as the figure opens the door to his building followed by a midshot and a fast exreme close up of the killers eye then a long shot of the figure coming down the corridor followed by a fast close up of a hand turning the doorknob and another fast close up of the number 60 on the door then the title of the film and lastly a shot of the door partly open.

The mystery of the story provides suspense we dont know the killer or the motive, we dont even know if a crime has taken place yet the beginning creates anxiety the question:"whats behind that door?" we connect the door with the character we see next as this is his home, walking down the alley he descends into the dark with nowhere to escape, the use of straight narrow spaces (the alley, the bridge, the corridor) is very important to the story the character has nowhere to escape to, literally and figuratively, he heads straight for his own demise. His disappearing into the dark is foreboding and the true danger is manifested when we see the knife this is also where the music (Bruno Nicolai) changes suggesting a change in mood. At the sound of the door to the victims house closing we immediately get a shot of the killer standing in the door half concealed a progression from only seeing his hand and the knife this heightens the anxiety of the audience as well as the next shot, the extreme close-up of the eye. Next we see as the victim walks towards us we get a close up of the doorknob beeing turned and a close up of the room number which confirms our suspicions. The last shot again creates mystery, we know something has happened since the door is in a different position than it is in the first shot yet we cannot say for certain what has happened. Here I was inspired by Ange Heart and Rosemarys baby which also leave you anticipating the outcome of the story.

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